Watching For Angels

We're wrestling with angels
Like Jacob as of old.
Thinking that we have a chance
We have a mighty hold.
Though we feel strong and sure
And though at times they fall,
If we win it's by God's plan;
They're angels, after all.
Think we can do anything
That rules do not apply?
Happiness, it may not last
Things aren't so cut and dry.
We can reach out with our hands
Never even say "please".
Grasp a trivial moment that
Brings complexities.
If it's true we entertain
Some angels unawares,
I can't help wondering how
They take our selfish stares.
When we beg for our own will
And then proceed as planned,
According to our own design
Ignore the unseen hand.
Seeing strangers and angels
We cannot tell apart.
Wrestling for our own will
The mind against the heart.
So may we always look for ways
To help the least of all,
Beyond our will, not knowing when
Heavenly guests may call.