then, and until then

I wrote the first two stanzas of this poem almost five years ago. I found it and finished it today.
Forget the veil, forget the rose
I don't have time to stand and pose
Wait by the alter, you will see
I'll run to you if you'll wait for me
My hair is fine, I don't need shoes
More time I cannot bear to loose
Fling wide your arms, you're all I see
I'll run to you if you'll wait for me
It's never been about a dress
Only the moment we say yes
A ribbon ring would do for me
I'll run to you - please wait for me
I love tradition, this is true
Things to recall and help us through
Yet forget all but this one plea
I'll run to you - please wait for me
I'm watching for you as I go
Passing through the to and fro
Remember when you think of me
I'll run to you, so wait for me
Darling I can see your eyes
Clear before me without disguise
This love I pray for faithfully
I'll run to you, so wait for me
Oh will I be worth waiting for?
Will I be the one that you adore?
Just banish this uncertainty
I'll run to you and you'll wait for me
So be it then that till that day
When we're together for always
I'll feel you whisper back to me:
I'll run to you and you'll wait for me