The News Rang Out

This is a beat-style poem, and since to myself it moves quickly - escalating stream of words - I recorded myself reading it. 
Listen here: 

Well the news rang out of death today
In shock we mourn, we hope, we pray

A man with a gun, what else is new?
Responding, “Again? What’d this guy do?”

Yes the sun still shines and the moon still beams
Yet the world’s unraveling at the seams

Disbelief mixed with resignation, for
It’s a similar story, all told before

Hate for race, religion, or skin
Proclaims he’s god and the shots begin

There’s only one God and He has no gun
I believe He mourns before the deed’s begun

Oh death is as old as Abel and Cain
One rises up and the other is slain

Why don’t they learn that they’re marked for life?
Hatred, the sharpest double-edge knife

Yeah maybe we’re born with an animal need
Put yourself first, whatever the deed

Hitler, of course, is a house-hold name
We teach our children with grief and shame

How low the human race can sink
Yet also of heroes; on them we think

On them we put our hopes so bright
To lead us onwards towards the light

They may be strong, running into the fire
A person who saves and does inspire

The part in each of us which lives
To know the joy of one who gives

The part which God allows to hold
His grace, a beauty all untold

Why then, do many go and choose
A route which aims to hurt and bruise?

A road of death and pain and grief
Is power then their crowning wreath? 

Corruption, which is full control
To take a life, snuff out a soul

Thus we left with this mortal coil
To understand, we try and toil

Seek a way for this to cease
Give some love, find some peace

Do what parts we can and must
Build up honor, hope, and trust

When the news rings out again someday..
May we make it better than today.
