effervescent words

I learned a new word the other week: Mellifluous. It means "sweet sounding, smoothly flowing". I think that the sound of the word fits it's meaning. I wrote it on my wrist that day so that I could remember it. The trick worked; the word is now fully mine.

You know those little white magnets that look like strips of paper, each with a single word printed on them in black? The ones that you can stick on your fridge and make poetry or one liners out of? My pastor has a handful of them stuck to his file cabinet. "Mellifluous" was one of the ones on there, but I didn't know what it meant and had to look it up. I admit that dictionary.com is my friend.

The new word that I shall learn today is ... Scintillate: to emit sparks, to sparkle, flash, twinkle. "A mind that scintillates with brilliance". Scintillating: animated, vivacious, effervescent. "A scintillating personality". Also witty or brilliantly clever: "a scintillating conversation."

I have it written on my wrist, for memory's sake.
