listen and do

 Evenings are one of my favorite times of day. I put on my pajamas and sit down at my computer. I plug in my headphones and watch a TV show online or listen to a podcast or CD. Around me, everything is quiet. With my headphones in I control the volume without disturbing my roommates. Even when I'm relaxing I try to make the most of time. I never simply sit and watch a show or movie if I can help it. The only time I do that is if I'm at the movie theater or watching something with friends. Otherwise, I catch up on work, or do a craft project such as jewelry making, or play sudoku, crosswords, or Angry Birds. In a way I probably listen to TV shows more than I watch them. Listening to the dialogue and the sounds while occasionally glancing up at the screen from whatever I'm doing. Maybe I enjoy multi-tasking or maybe I enjoy the feeling of seeping myself in a story yet staying grounded by some tangible thing in my hands. Two places at once. Here: sitting at the desk that my father made for my grandmother, and there; listening to characters in some intriguing storyline far removed from my own.

I like being in two places at once.
