Orphaned Fear

Rip a little corner off the darkness
Just to shine a light in the middle of it all
 - Matt Kearney, song - 'All I Have'

slips quietly into the room
You turn around and
there it is (wearing black)

Maybe you caught a scent of it
maybe you felt a tingle
But once it's there it's hard to banish
It lingers like an unwanted house guest
making you uncomfortable in your own home
in your own skin

It's the fastest of foes
You can't run from it
for there it will be, ever over your shoulder
Instead you have to face it
fight it
take it head on
Make the fear afraid of you

I will make orphans of all my fears
None to go before them, and none left behind them
So that they,
on their own,
must all perish
As quietly as they arrived they will quietly cease to be
