Burdened And Free

Families suffering years of abuse, women and men in prostitution, girls trafficked into the sex industry, and neglected boys who end up living on the streets. So many needs. So thankful for grace.

Make me burdened
Make me free
Continually, then, to hone
My life, so that I give and hope
Yet in Your strength alone

I see the hurt
I feel the pain
This empathy is Your gift
With mercy overall You reign
To mend this mighty rift

Am I good
And am I strong?
I often do believe
So gently show me I am wrong
To You more firmly cleave

I am human
I am Yours
Born and reborn by grace
To navigate this mortal course
One day to see love's face

Make me salt
And make me light
Humble, brave, and true
In Your armor, stand and fight
Burdened and free, for You


Unknown said…
This is beautiful.