Dear Someone

Frank: "What about you? Is there someone else?"
Kathleen: "No. But there's the dream of someone else."
 - You've Got Mail

Your Shadows

I develop crushes quickly
It is
My great romantic flaw

I hold myself back
when the person isn’t right
I am polite though cool
no invitation can be found
for anything more
than acquaintance

When I meet
a kindred soul
spark to my spark
and the possibility
of compatibility 
(and all things more romantic and less practical)
I cannot still
the flutter in my heart
the hopeful murmur
of what might be

I promise you
in all and any past crushes
I merely found good traits of yours
to admire
to seek
to one day adore all the more 

in you. 


Show me your scars 
they are maps
pointing to stories 

Let me trace them
while you tell me all 
for a good way to know someone
is to know the pain they wear
just under the skin

Pain can run deeper than happiness
(yet for the bitter, where'd be the sweet?)

Let me understand
then together 
we’ll build the best foundation.

 - Wik ("life")

In the slow-repaired wreckage of my heart
you found resilience
you found the secret garden
to which I only give you 
the key. 
