a dream

Last night I had one of the best and most wonderfully memorable dreams I have had in a long time. I have this morning off from work, so I didn't set my alarm clock. When I half awoke from the dream this morning, enough to see a bit of sunlight coming through my window, I hurridly pulled the covers over my head and sank back into dreaming. I didn't want the dream to end.

I was at a restaurant with people I didn't know, two girls and a guy. One of the girls I knew a little bit, but in the dream it seemed that this was the first time we were hanging out. It felt as though I had stumbled my way into this group, not sure why I was there yet somehow very comfortable and at ease. It seemed that the three people worked together. We were sitting at a round table. The girl to my right was wearing scrubs. I didn't know her, but we hit it off, laughing and talking easily though I don't know what about. All four of us seemed relaxed, just getting to know each other but acting for the most part like long-time friends. But the lone guy in our group; he was sitting across from me, and kept looking at me, studying me, then looking away with an almost shy smile on his face. The girl to my right leaned towards me and whispered something about talking to him, that he might like me, that he was a good guy. I was nervous but excited, glancing back and smiling at the man across the table from me. The girl at my right then turned to the man and teased him openly, saying that he and I should get together, that we could be good together. The man and I looked at each other, now boldly curious. We continued to talk as a group. The the girl who, in my dream, I know a little bit but didn't really talk to, had to leave, so we all stood up. Us remaining three, the guy, the girl in scrubs and I, all walked outside. The girl in scrubs continued to tease the guy and I, almost in a way that could count as flirting, whispering playfully to me, poking him in the shoulder and nodding at me. Then she left. So, a bit awkwardly, we began to talk. It was wonderful.

The dream looped around the two of us after that. The beginnings of affection, a little fun flirtation. The beauty of a first touch, first holding hands, first kiss. When I woke up I was soaring on the high of feeling genuinly attracted to someone who felt the same way about me. We went from meeting to feeling a curious interest and attraction to knowing that we both very much liked each other. It was thrilling.

It's funny; parts of the dream were like dreams within the dream. I can clearly see the two of us sitting in a restaurant, the one where we met (I don't know where or what the place was called, only that that's what it was). We were teasing each other or something, and somehow I ended up standing and he was crouching beside the table, maybe picking something up, and he had a glass of water in his hand. With a mischivous look in his eyes he began to bring the glass upwards, in an attempt to splash the water at me. But I realized what he was going to do and in a swift movement, bent and cupped my hand over the top of the glass. Then, with a mischivous look in my own eyes, I reached under the glass with my free hand and brought it upwardss, moving my other hand so that the water splashed in his face. The look of complete surprise and then of "Oh, so you can play back, this could be fun," on his face was priceless. I laughed, lingered a second while deciding, and then leaned down and kissed him on the lips. I held his head in my hands and gave him a long kiss. It was our first one.
However then the dream shifted, and I wasn't sure if I had actually had enough moxy to give him our first kiss, or if that was merely a dream inside my dream. At another time we were walking side by side and I leaned into him and wrapped one arm around him as we walked, and he wrapped an arm around me, but again things shifted and suddenly I was shy about holding his hand. We were in the restaurant again with the girl in scrubs, sitting in a booth. For some reason we were all three sitting on one bench, on one side of the table. I wanted to be next to him. I rested my elbow on the top of the back of the seat, behind the girl in scrubs head. As I had hoped, he casually rested his arm there too. Slowly, lightly, he ran one finger along my arm, making swirling patterns with his fingertips that made me tingle. When I couldn't take it any more I clasped his hand in mine and he squeezed. The girl in scrubs talked and talked, but we looked at each other over her head.

Some of these things it doesn't feel the same to write out as it did to dream them. In dreams there is always something of the rediculous. In this one, however, it was the overwhelming feeling of falling in love, equally, both persons at the same time, that lingered like butterflies in my chest until even now, long after waking. It was beautiful, almost exotic, magical.

If you are curious, the man had dark hair, cut slightly shaggy, straight not curly, and was a little taller than me. Except that he had dark eyes, I can't say that much else stood out to me in my dream excpet for that. I've read that people dream in black and white. How do they know? I wonder if this is why the dark hair and eyes is all that stood out to me. I cannnot distinctly remember any colors, but it doesn't really matter. It was a wonderful dream, one that left me with two feelings upon waking; the longing to fall back into it and keep that exquisite falling-in-love feeling, and the pin-prick of sadness that it was only a dream. At least, it is for now.
